Monday, February 24, 2014

3 Hours

I took my free time to draw and come up with ideas, as usual for me. It's one of my favorite ways to stay busy and happy. I also took advantage of surfing the web for fun's sake. I always welcome a break from the constant work, especially since this semester is more demanding than my previous one, and I don't get to sketch and draw as much anymore.

Not much more to say about this assignment, but I had fun!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Class take away 5

It feels like "Bliss" was sent to me by the gods to give me more time to work on my artistic skills, and I welcome the opportunity to work on what I love doing. The "Altar" assignment is interesting too, but I'm a little intimidated by its apparent complexity. Still, I enjoy a challenge and I have 2 weeks to work on the assignment, so we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to comparing my ideas to my classmates.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

50 ideas?

My item of choice is a World of Warcraft expansion pack container (multiple, actually), which represents my general dislike for the new-age internet community's negative behaviors and traits.
Keep in mind that many of these ideas will probably... suck. Or sound funny. I aim to make for a fun list, but also one that can kickstart some real ideas. Going over this list, maybe I can discover something I didn't see before.

That's the idea anyway. Without further ado, here's my list of ideas (which may not even add up to 50 to be honest, having a really hard time coming up with ideas):

1. Make an image in Photoshop with the box/contents
2. Make wearable accessories with the box/contents
3. Make music with the box/contents
4. Create a collage of Warcraft images and media in tribute to the franchise
5. Write on the inside of the box about things I dislike about the WoW/internet community
6. Write on the inside of the box about things I appreciate about the WoW/internet community
7. Make my own box in mock replica of the game box
8. Reference an established internet meme using the box/contents
9. Make a bird's nest out of the box
10. Make the box into a complaint box that can hold written complaints
11. Have classmates write their internet handles on the box a la autograph, or things they like, or some other positive thing or idea
12. Destroy the box and recycle it
13. Make box contents into luck charms
14. Make origami with he box booklet
15. Make into a case for my computer equipment

I believe that we were told to sleep on our items so we could think about them primarily as we mentally wander. The uncomfortable object may also help resurface some immediate disdain for our object...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Not much this week...

I can't think of anything terribly influential that effected me today at class, but I was interested by a lot of the more symbolic submissions under "opportunities". I'm normally a rather straight-forward person that tries to avoid searching for heavy symbolism in things that should probably be taken at face value, but I guess that's the beauty of art; there's all sorts of interpretations.

I'll be watching these future submissions with an open mind in the future. Maybe they can influence my own artwork. That's basically all I have to say for now.


When life gives you fish, grab a net!

This digital drawing is noticeably unfinished, but I think it is complete enough to be coherent and pleasing to the eye. I do plan on finishing it in the near future, but I'm currently learning how to competently draw backgrounds, and I was short for time so I had to submit this a little rushed. Regardless, I really like the way it's turned out so far!

It's early in the morning, and the opportunistic fisherman (fishergirl?) is taking her chance at catching a rare fish of mysterious species. She'll probably just eat it, though. Fish is good eatin'.

Monday, February 3, 2014

I learned today that there are actually different ways to doodle. Apparently, you can write in a way that "acts" like doodling, in that it stimulates the same part of the brain or something. I do something similar when I listen to music in the car sometimes; I might sing lyrics that make no overall sense. Would that count as doodling?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I don't have much to say about this doodle. It's funny actually; you'd think somebody like me probably doodles in class frequently, but I'm actually very attentive in class if I'm not otherwise drawing concept sketches. For me, sketching probably takes the place of doodling; I can't remember the last time I ever doodled anything for more than a few seconds. Still, while I was watching American football on television (a sport I don't particularly care for), I allowed the visual and auditory distractions to fuel my creativity, and what I got was this.

An ethereal trumpet sounds, and streamers of some kind come out of nowhere as a number of different flags wave in the background. There are tiny people running on the largest one in a fanatic craze. I don't know what they're doing. They seem to be having fun, though. It's crazy, and I like it. I really do like my little doodle, but it, in a way, feels unnatural to me. I don't believe doodling is bad; it can help people creatively express themselves, or even remember certain information. But doodling is not something I really doodley-do.