Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Flavor of Deodorant

I tasted a deodorant stick. It tastes just as bad as it sounds, although it had an interesting and unique aftertaste.

That's pretty much all I have to say about that. The question now is, what will I make for class tomorrow? I guess we'll find out.

Fear: 3 of 2

Michael Daniells' fear of the unknown was faced when he rode out to a place he had never been before, and decided to do something (mostly) unplanned and uncoordinated. I thought that was a rather impressive way to beat one's own fear; it's not really something I would do. Being who I am I would never have left without a strategy in mind.

My project didn't actually have me combat the "unknown", instead using an introspective approach. Daniells' method was much more effective however, based upon the results I got for my assignment (were I given this assignment again, I would've gone about it much differently). I think that being loose and experimental in my artwork like Daniells' assignment would improve how I learn from it.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fear, Part 2: "Results"

I started to realize after conducting this experiment that nobody was going to post anything on their blogs about my experiment; nobody was going to read the late email I sent out over Oncourse, and that's perfectly fine. I didn't take into account how I was going to gather the information, and as a result I have nothing of evidence to show how well it went over.

What could I have done differently?

Firstly, post an email ahead of time instead of (essentially) at the last minute. Maybe design an experiment with a little more resonance in general, since the experiment was rather vague. I was having problems coming up with material to work with, but I have since come up with some more powerful, relatable fear topics with which to discuss and experiment with.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fear, Part 1 - "Potential Reactions"

I expect people to react to this "experiment" away from class. Our reactions should not be immediately evident, but rather, should surface at a later point.

This test might not actually evoke fear. It may evoke other things.

I'd prefer not to give anything away, so I'll just leave it at that.