Saturday, March 1, 2014


What is your opinion of combining technology and the human body as she did in the video?

I think it's cool! In all honesty though, I don't believe that there's anything wrong or right about human augmentation to begin with. I think that human augmentation brings to mind some interesting opportunities, but technology is malleable and lacks connection to any moral standing; technology is neither inherently good or bad, rather the outcome of using technology is decided by the user's intentions. I believe technology can do just about anything given enough time and energy. I just question what the best course of action is.

What is your opinion of combining a media arts and science project with your own body?

 I'd probably like to be a cyborg, but it depends on what about me changes. The good things about me should not be changed much, or should be changed for the better, and even flaws should be considered: does this flaw help make me who I am? Human beings are often defined by their flaws; it's what makes us the characters that we are.

Of course, things are subject to experimentation. If I was given the opportunity to change my sex, race, physical build, or become a robot for a week, I'd probably accept, since I've always been one to try new things. However, I can't say that I'd gleefully jump at the chance for a permanent change. I'm most comfortable with who I am currently, and I know how my current body acts; I'm familiar with it. My body is very much a personal part of who I am.

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