Sunday, March 23, 2014

Who am I? Why am I here?

Who am I?

An sketch artist with love for classic animation, drafting and storytelling techniques, who also has a passion for zoology and the other sciences, as well as a strong curiosity in religious folklore and mythology. Often when I have time I'll sit and read a textbook or a webpage regarding a certain topic, or I'll sit down and sketch concept art for stories that I'm currently constructing. I'm fiercely talkative about these subjects, and will speak with others about them for hours.

I have a strong personal affinity for children and older folks, never quite being in my element around strangers of my peer group. Perhaps it's because of my homeschooling and babysitting background, never having much experience with kids my age when I was younger. I'm frequently paranoid about people thinking of me in a negative or venomous manner (admittedly imagined slights), and most of those people are young adults.

I believe in altruism and good-will, but I also believe in following after your own goals, so long as you don't beat or rob somebody to further them.

Why am I here?

If I'm to ask myself why I'm at... IUPUI, I'd have to say "because I want a career in storytelling of some kind". Short and sweet, but perhaps the questions is of the more metaphysical kind.

I'm not at liberty to say why I'm on this planet at the time I arrived, and I honestly think (by my standards at least) that it's perhaps a little presumptuous to make a specific declaration. Unless you are a God-gifted prophet with a seer's gaze a mile-a-ways, I don't think anybody can say what purpose they have to exist.

The long-term plans of human-kind are known for going a little awry, but we make do with the hand we're dealt. Maybe I won't get quite the career I want. Maybe I could be drafted into the military, or maybe I could become a father in the near future. Maybe I could become involved in something very large, or very small. The point is, I don't know what will happen.

All I do is try my best to steer myself in a vague direction and hope for the best.

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